Watch the video to know more about us
We do not want to claim that we are the best cake shop in Mumbai. All our brand focuses on is that a customer receives value for his money. We definitely would love to claim that we serve the freshest bakes in town. Come witness the taste ;)
Voice of the Chef

Hello and welcome to Say aa by Shreya. My name is Shreya Singh, and I am a baker by passion. I came up with the idea of starting this brand while I was in my final year of Marketing studies. One fine day a question struck my head hard and it stated, what would be that one thing that you would love doing your entire life? Thankfully the answer was received at the right time giving birth to the idea of Say AA. Different thoughts started rolling down my mind as to what unique could be done in the market and yes Say AA gave me my solutions.
The myth about Home based Brands
Speaking about a Home based baking business, many people in India tend to have a perception that Cakes from Bakers that too Home based are not worth their money. However, I say gone are the days where people preferred to have Cakes made by Machines/robots and refrigerated for days. What’s special in a home-based brand is the human effort, passion, and details that go into the baking of your orders. In addition to that, We as human beings always want something fresh, something that’s given personal attention rather than eating things that are manufactured through an automated process.
At Say AA we do not just bake delicacies for you but also want to include you into our baking experience through live updates on your orders. Moreover, we are a brand that not just focuses on the superior quality of our products but also look forward to meeting customer goals and expectations. Affordability of a product is important and therefore Say AA makes sure to price its products right. This, in turn, helps anyone and everyone to enjoy the fantastic taste and fabulous quality of our products. I have always made sure that our products are baked in the most hygienic conditions because if it is not the best it’s simply not us. Check out our blog to know about the craziest things happening in the baking industry.